One of the works done during a warm-up sessions this Fall - Collage in mixed media - 2019

One of the works done during a warm-up sessions this Fall - Collage in mixed media - 2019

A fresh New Year always makes me yearn for a renewed take on life. It always feels both very good and unsettling because the excitement of contemplating a virtual clean slate coexists with a level of nervousness about making the right choices … It also means tackling a list of personal goals as well as trying to map out artistic ambitions and hopes. Let’s add to the mix the inevitable family life’s surprises that impose different priorities along the way - and you get quite a cocktail ! This appears to be such a tall order that it brings me on the verge of inaction … I do procrastinate a few more days way past January 1st … Then I jump right in, believing that the process of choosing a step or a path is as important as trying to achieve the goals we put down in writing. I will learn as a human being, no matter what!

Hoping that what follows inspire or encourage you to map out your own journey - here are my 7 goals for 2020 -

1- Be present in the atelier, daily - to do art related activities. I’ve been aiming to embrasse this over the last two years and I just want to pursue it in the most mindful way possible. It might be to create OR go through my sketchbooks, read an art magazine, contemplate works in progress, clean or store art supplies, even to respond to emails … but taking ownership of my space reaffirms that I am an artist !

2- Keep a daily art practice - Good ideas and inspiration come with constant work and dedication - there are no short cuts! I have now found ways to create on a sustained basis through big and small projects but also via artistic warm-ups, sketching in mixed media, drawing with digital tools, or do photos session ( especially while travelling); it often links to my Instagram postings. I approach it in a flexible way and can happen anywhere and at any moment of the day (but I do prefer mornings). I want to incorporate more intentional directions to these impromptu creative sessions. Of course, the structured exploratory work and the marathons toward exhibitions are part of that routine!

3- Keep feeding the creative mind - It is important to expose ourselves to the art world in order to nourrish our own artistic spirit. This goal is actually threefold -

a) In the mornings, I will take 10-15 minutes to watch 1 video about artists, artists studios or artists bios and art exhibitions from around the world - Youtube is such a wonderful resource!

b) In the evenings, I have a list of books on art-related topics that I hope to read to educate myself, to enrich my general cultural knowledge or simply for the shear pleasure of reading good writing!

c) Finally, I want to include a bi-weekly art date into my schedule - making sure that I do this on a more regular basis : going to art openings, see current exhibitions, explore a craft fair or enjoy a movie at the cinema, a contemporary dance on stage or a theatre play. It feeds the soul and it supports both my peers and the larger creative community!

4- Be more physically active - I don’t engage in sports per say but I do enjoy dancing and being active. I have started a physical routine a few months ago and now want to increase the length and frequency of my training sessions. I do it at home ( in the atelier) but will also take a Pilates class to keep things interesting this winter. The reasons : I feel so much better physically and mentally. The endorphines lift my moods at the start of the day, I am in better shape and it gives me energy for my creative marathons in the atelier!

5- Get into meditation - I’ve been researching and tried meditation on occasion over the years but it is about time that I give myself a real goal on a weekly basis. The benefits to our health and peace of mind have been very well documented. I wish for this mindful practice to enrich my life and help sustain my art practice.

6- Practice mindful gratitude - Training my mind to see the positive on a daily basis, especially when life throws you a curved ball , is crucial to a balanced creative self. I want to include it into my art journal, everyday - I will do it at night, before going to bed, noting and reflecting on at least 3 things I am grateful for in order to recap the day’s events on a positive note.

7- Value sleep - have at least 7 hours every night - It is only very recently that I accepted the fact that sleep is not a waste of time ! I’ve been a night owl for most of my life, resisting the need to sleep too often and then suffering from insomnia for too many years. Experts say a daily routine ( or rituals ) is crucial in order to cultivate a good restful sleep. I will cut technology time and television an hour before bed, read 45 min. to an 1 hour ( all those great art books waiting to be devored …) and plan for a minimum of 7 hours a night! If insomnia strikes, I won’t toss around - I will get up, read a little - and go back to bed as quickly as possible. Clarity of mind and a healthier lifestyle is the ultimate goal.


One of the most significant milestones of my artistic career has been the Artist Residency I did with the International School of Painting, Drawing and Sculpture, in Umbria, Italy, during the summer of 2009.

Une des expériences marquantes de mon parcours artistique a été la résidence d’artiste réalisée en Italie à l’été 2009, sous l’égide de l’International School of Painting, Drawing and Sculpture.

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